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LiziMaps : Firefox as GIS application

We (3Liz) released the first public version, V0.1, developer preview, of our Firefox mapping add-on : LiziMaps.

This add-on give you the ability to create your own maps based on Web Service standardize by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This mean that you can use a Web Map Service (WMS 1.0.0 to 1.1.1) to create your base layer. You can select the layers you want to view, organize these layers and select the layer's style you want. You can then with Web Feature Services (WFS 1.0.0) select layers, organize it and create styles by editing rules of presentation. Finally you can export the view of your own map to PNG image.

Technically, we use :

  • WMS 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 ;
  • WFS 1.0.0 ;
  • SVG for vector presentation ;
  • Canvas for image export ;
  • XBL re-usable elements ;
  • and of course XUL, CSS and JS.

The add-on is already localised in French and in English

The next steps will be to create WMS and WFS protocols.

Finally if you want to test LiziMaps on Gran Paradiso, which is for the moment in Alpha 6, it's not useful. There are some regression in SVG. For example the SVGSVGElement method getViewBoxToViewport, we are very regularly used does not exist any more, but is a standard method...