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wps4server: QGIS Processing to Web Processing Service

I'm proud to announce the publication of wps4server:

wps4server is a QGIS Server Plugin that provides OGC Web Processing capabilities, based on PyWPS and QGIS Processing:

With wps4server you can publish all the QGIS Processing algorithms through Web Processing. This means you can create a Web Processing Service that provides:

  • QGIS algorithms
  • GRASS7 algorithms
  • GDAL/OGR algorithms
  • Orfeo Toolbox algorithms
  • SAGA algorithms

But also your:

  • R scripts algorithms
  • Python scripts algorithms
  • Models algorithms

With a configuration file, you can restrict the algorithms number based on:

  • a provider list
  • name and title filter
  • an algorithm list

You can find the source code and an installation guide here:

Test and feedback are welcome !