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LiziMaps : SLD Line, Polygon and Point Symbolizer

I'm happy to announce the release of LiziMaps 0.4.

In this version, the creation and styling code for vector layer was improved. This one is faster and more respectful of the OGC Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) standard.

Now, LiziMaps supports the symbolizers :

  • sld:LineSymbolizer
  • sld:PolygonSymbolizer
  • sld:PointSymbolizer

The major evolution concerns the sld:PointSymbolizer. It's possible to :

  • select a symbol centered in the coordinates of the point and whose size is proportional ;
  • define the size of the symbol ;
  • define a rotation of the symbol ;
  • define the rendering of the symbol (fill and stroke).

If You want to test : click here